BUS801 – Leadership Qualities and Practice (20 credits)
The unit explores the links between leadership and management at the strategic level. Different leadership styles and underlying principles and concepts will be considered. The unit will explore how team performance can be evaluated and optimised to realize strategic business and operational objectives. The unit covers the links between strategic management and leadership, key leadership principles, theory and organisational strategy.
BUS802 – Personal Leadership Development as a Strategic Manager (20 credits)
This unit is about strategic leadership skills required by directors and senior managers to successfully lead international organisational strategic activity working with partners, buyers, suppliers, customers and competitors.
BUS803 – Strategy Development in Cross Border and Global Organisations (20 credits)
This unit addresses strategy development for cross border or global organisations that face challenges that include political, religious, cultural and social divides and the administrations of organisations operating within particular countries or boundaries.
BUS804 – Strategic Planning in Cross Border and Global Organisations (20 credits)
The unit examines the range of influences and impacts on cross border or global organisations and how that contributes to successful strategy formulation and the management of risk.
BUS805 – Strategic Direction in Cross Border and Global Organisations (20 credits)
This unit will allow senior strategic managers to explore the influences and impacts upon cross border and global policy and strategy. It will support improvements in setting direction, the approach to and in forecasting success of cross border or global policy and strategy.
BUS806 – Strategic Communication (20 credits)
The unit aims to develop the ability to critically assess and appreciate the impact of media for international organisations. It considers stakeholders, political and pressure groups as well as the part played by media owners.
BUS807 – Culture and its Impact on Strategy (20 credits)
This unit aims to develop deep understanding of the complexities of organisations that operate internationally and how that affects strategy development. The unit will use reasoned and researched perspectives and aims to develop alternative perspectives.
BUS808 – Research Methods (20 credits)
The aim of the unit is to develop the learner’s knowledge and understanding of academic practice and approaches to research. It utilises a problem-based learning approach to develop your practical competence in aspects appropriate to academic practice and research in business and management.